Monday, January 16, 2012

Last Week

As far as weeks go this has been a pretty eventful one. There was one years back that may have been as good but outside of that there is only this.

Last Saturday I went in for my first ever MRI, a loud and strange 40 min. Went and had a few coconuts then back for the films, 5 films and I got them all. They gave me a paper with the results and one doctor explained a bit to me. I thought there was some sort of problem between L4 and L5, and there it was on film the disc is out to the left pressing up against the nerve root. This would explain perhaps why putting my left leg behind my head sends electricity up the spine. Some pain is there in most poses but with full awareness I have signed up for what it has to teach me. Some friends have been very helpful sharing wisdom of how to work more intelligently in the body. I am learning many new things about myself, more softness is there.

Then came Sunday when Sharath gave me the application for authorization. I looked at Lauren with a bit of wonderment. I could see we both were wondering, if this was the type of application that can get rejected or that by receiving it you are accepted kind. I filled it out and took it back to him and he printed out another sheet of paper that assured me I was in. Lauren said, “you can totally cry now” so I sat down on the steps of the shala and had a moment. For those of you unfamiliar with traditional Ashtanga this is not at all the sort of paper you get after a one-month “teacher training”. It is really very very different, but that is all I will say about that.

On Tuesday Sharath said that I could assist in the shala next year, as there are already too many people here who have not got to yet. I said I was very happy to do it next year. Then he said my certificate would be ready Thursday afternoon.

Thursday morning when I had taken my spot and was about to begin my practice he came over to my mat and said to come back at 9:30 and assist, “today” I said “today” he said. My practice was a bit scattered really then I quickly poked out for a coco and back in at 9:30 for the scariest 2 hours of teaching in my life.

Friday was the led class and everyone kept giving my hugs. I saw so many friends that day and I think they were all as excited as I was/am.

There is one thing on the certificate that stands out for me. Around the middle of the page it says, “I authorize my student” then my name then his signature.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That is the most exciting news. Congratulations, I am so happy for you. I am also a bit worried about your pain - take care of yourself, please, be gentle with yourself. xoxoxo
